Join our community of 200+ volunteers!
Become a part of the OLT team – volunteer and support the mission to save precious lands for wildlife and the communities that surround it. There are many volunteer opportunities which can help OLT find, acquire and maintain the properties within the trust. Meet other conservation-minded people, help educate our community and become part of the movement. Volunteer! Scroll down to learn about the different ways you can volunteer, then sign up below.
Ways to get involved...
Trail Ambassador
Trail Ambassador volunteers walk the trails at Oswit Land Trust, answer questions from guests, and ensure that rules for each property are being respected. This vital role assists our conservation rangers in ensuring that wildlife is protected and the property is safe for guests. Ambassadors identify problems and report them back to staff. Volunteers of all abilities and endurance levels are encouraged to participate. Training is provided. Volunteers are generally out on trails in two-hour shifts, hopefully at least once a week. This can be done alone or by regularly volunteering with a partner or friend.
The Crew / Land Maintenance
The Crew works in small groups to improve Oswit Land Trust properties. The work includes maintaining trails, planting and watering trees and shrubs, clearing debris, removing invasive plants, and land maintenance projects. Training and guidance is provided by OLT staff. You will receive a weekly schedule by email, and you can choose what activities work best for your schedule or ability level. The work tends to occur in the morning when it is cooler.
Community Outreach
Community Outreach Volunteers help spread the word about our mission. Typically, they staff outreach tables at community fairs, trailheads, farmer's markets, and other events. It’s a great opportunity to meet others in the community, educate about OLT's mission, get them signed up for the newsletter, recruit volunteers, and promote donations. The volunteer opportunities tend to occur on weekends.
Administrative & Research
Administrative & Research Volunteers assist with a wide variety of land acquisition, fundraising, graphic design, and administrative tasks. Volunteers with a professional skill set or interest in more administrative or research-oriented tasks, live remotely, or have physical limitations are perfect for these roles. We try to match the organization's needs with your skills or interests, and we will start with a brief telephone conversation.
Volunteers help Oswit Land Trust reduce our carbon footprint by composting cleared debris at Prescott Preserve. The group meets weekly, early on Monday mornings.
Event volunteers help produce our large and small fundraising and education events. Assistance needed includes event production, catering, vendor coordination, and helping with registration, parking, set-up, breakdown, and event donations.
Join one or more of our important teams!
The success of Oswit Land Trust’s mission depends on volunteers who help us fulfill our mission. Sign up to be a volunteer below and refer to the OLT Volunteer calendar for planned events to participate in.