Alphabet Farms Ranch A
Our first conservation project of agricultural land
Imperial County, CA
Alphabet Farms Ranch A is 1,888 acres of productive farmland in Imperial County, CA. With Oswit Land Trust holding the agricultural conservation easement (ACE) the land is protected from destruction and development in perpetuity. This is Oswit Land Trust first conservation easement and our first conservation project of agricultural land. This is a joint project of Oswit Land Trust and Trust for Public Land.
Acres of one of the most important nesting sites and stopovers along the Pacific Flyway.
The property is in Audubon’s Imperial Valley Globally Important Bird Area (IBA), the largest IBA in California and the nearby Salton Sea is one of the most important nesting sites and stopovers along the Pacific Flyway. The irrigation canals that crisscross Imperial Valley and border parcels of Ranch A are classified as riverine wetlands and provide important habitat. Burrowing owls (CA Species of Special Concern), Yuma clapper rails (federally endangered), and California black rails (CA threatened species) are known to use these canals. Dozens of birds including several species of raptor and the charismatic sandhill cranes were seen taking advantage of the unique resources provided by the agricultural lands.