Mesquite Ridge

Icing on the cake!


Palm Springs, California


When members of OLT team saw the for sale sign go up on this property, we went into action. Mesquite Ridge has always provided a nice buffer for the protected habitat in the San Jacinto mountains and provides access to the Lykken hiking trail (at the end of W. Mesquite Ave). Together with CVMC, Trust for Public Land, and a generous donor, OLT was able to purchase the property and protect it from development in perpetuity.


Acres of valley floor and a steep ridge. Almost half a mile of the wildly popular South Lykken trail goes through this land.

Mesquite Ridge is approximately 30 acres of flat and steep terrain, lies at the base of the San Jacinto Mountains in Palm Springs. It is prime wildlife habitat, especially for the peninsular bighorn sheep. The property has a variety of topography, from flat land to steep mountainside. That variety of terrain is what attracts the endangered bighorn sheep, while also offering great feed and views of the surroundings. With the canyon nearby, the close proximity to vertical rocky walls offers escape routes from predators as well as being a reliable water source (except for the dry summer months).

The only access to this property is along a portion of the S Lykken trail, that passes through the property along the mountainside. When visiting, please be respectful of wildlife and the sensitive habitat by staying in trail.